Yesterday I had something really important to say, and I said it. Unfortunately, I was not successful in saving it as a draft, and just as I tried, my dial-up connection kicked me off and the post was lost. I will attempt to say what I had to say again. I will also bug my husband for a cable modem. The money we will pay for it is not the whole issue. Fortunately, he is all in favor of decreasing my frustration.
Your blog is great writing - not just well written - blog after blog is a lot less than that including mine. I did not run across your blog randomly - my neice is a graduate student at Brown University - School of Medecine - Epidemiology Dept - she is incredible so praise from her for a site is no mean feat.
I wish you luck on your effort to get high speed - if you don't there is a way to write on your blog offline - I use a program from wbloggar where you can type it off line and when you are on line send it. You still have to go into to Edit thedraft and publish post but it works.
Another suggestion is to add a counter - you can get a free one from sitemeter. Once that is there you can either go to siteminder to see your counts or go to click on the site minder icon that siteminder puts at the bottom of your page. Do you wonder how many readers read you site and how the got there - referred?
The web will find a way to view good writing and you are a gifted writer!!!
One thing your blog does not have yet are links to oter blogs or websites you found interestng - my son's is c-spantastic he has both links and a counter from site minder at the bottom - click on it to see his counts and referrals to see where they came from.
All that said - you probably don't need all that - you tell the story so well.
Thank you for your advice. I'm glad you like what you are reading, and I appreciate the hints. I will check out your son's website.
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