
Take Care of What You Can
ABC News: Moderate activity may reduce ovarian cancer risk

Although our modern lifestyles offer many advantages, one of its poorer byproducts is our turning into a nation of lazy,fast-food-fed people. What I was in my thirties, my husband and I used to groan and roll our eyes at the people in their fifties and beyond discussing their health problems. But now, just at work:
--one woman is in critical but stable condition, no diagnosis
--a husband is hospitalized with his heart working at 16% of capacity
--another husband has congestive heart failure and is on a list for heart transplant
--one wife is recovering from breast cancer and goes today to have kidney stones bombarded
--another wife is having her second bypass surgery in two years; she is under fifty and refuses to make diet or lifestyle changes
--a daughter, age thirty. had a hysterectomy
--a husband has back problems, bad enough for at least two weeks off work
--another husband has eight weeks off work, follow-up surgery from an intestinal blockage a year ago
--and finally, the junk food junkie has been hospitalized for five days, lost twenty-five pounds in the past few months, and may be facing intestinal surgery

That is only the people at work. There are others that we know. So many things in life that are not under our control. If moderate exercise and a proper diet will help, these are steps we all can take.


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