
Points to Ponder
1. My son says I am a people person. I do like people, but I am uncomfortable when I am around a lot of them.

2. A fully-funded pension is better than one that is not fully-funded. Even after explanation, this is not clear to me, but it sort of has to do with who holds the funds, and it seems that if your employer does, bad things can happen to your pension.

3. Yesterday on FOCUS ON THE FAMILY, Dr. Dobson interviewed a couple who wrote a book about the second half of marriage. One of the things they recommended would, I think, work for any marriage, but it does seem sort of weird when you hear it. You are supposed to kiss for ten second before you part in the morning and ten seconds when you get home at night. Ten seconds is a long time to kiss! I think I will get the book.

4. One of my students is visiting a school that would be a bad fit for her, but those in charge say that they will fight for her to attend. What will be the deciding factor? What is best, or what will save the school district a headache?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have two number two's and no number three.

5/12/2005 8:05 PM  

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