
Job Satisfaction
So, as this job is winding down, the little things people say to me are nice. I have had compliments from some really unlikely places. And one of the secretaries downtown forwards job openings to me. She does not want me to be an aid since I have a degree.

One of the jobs she forwarded to me was an elementary home school coordinator. I am not real sure what they do, but it would be definite hours in a school close to home, which does matter now that the price of gas hovers where it does. I have considered substitute teaching in the outlying districts since I do not like the lack of disrespect that is evident in our local school district, but those districts pay less, and there is that gas price.

My husband keeps telling me that the money is not the issue; the issue is job satisfaction. Would I be more satisfied working a job with definite hours or one where I can take off when my family needs me? I have gotten used to working with students more one-on-one. Substituting is crowd control, but I could probably make more money doing it. If I don't like a particular class, I don't have to go back.

I want to work, preferably with kids. Wish I knew beyond that what is best.


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