
Anniversary #27
My twenty-seventh anniversary was a good day, which surprised both my husband and me since it started with his getting a root canal.

For no apparent reason, we cruised three hours to see our son and his family in Ohio. On the way, we searched for oldies stations and my husband, sore mouth and all, sang all, which he doesn't do very often.

Twenty-seven years ago, it was cool and overcast in Morgantown, WVA. The whole day seemed sort of surreal to me, but I knew it would be OK when the preacher told my husband he could kiss me and he hugged me instead. He hugged me like he would never let go.

I don't know what I expected out of marriage then, but I do know that our marriage has been a happy one. I do not think that I ever thought about having grown children or being a grandparent way back then, so those are some of the added benefits of a long marriage. I did not know that I could love someone so much it takes my breath away and yet (way too often, sometimes) want to slap him upside the head. I did not know that it is often more important to act on love than it is to feel it.

Song of Solomon 8:7 (from THE MESSAGE)

Flood waters can't drown love,

torrents of rain can't put it out.

Love can't be bought, love can't be sold--

it's not to be found in the marketplace.


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