
If Wishes Were Horses...
...beggars would ride. Isn't that how the saying goes?

OK, so I know we don't always get our wishes, but here is mine.

My daughter has a male friend she has been spending time with since her divorce. He is good for her, and it appears that she is good for him too, since the time they spend together seems to be increasing. I wish things were moving faster since it appears from the outside that they love each other, but these things move at their own pace.

On Monday, this young man has a job interview in Columbus. He wants to get out of Toledo. My husband and I have wanted our daughter out of Toledo and therefore away from her ex for a long time. Our son lives in Columbus, so she would have family support if she moved.

My wish? That he get the job and that it propels the relationship forward (Lord willing, if the time is right) so that the young man is unwilling to move without her.

We'll see if I will ride or not. And thank God my daughter never reads my blog!


Blogger Suz said...

That's so neat. I hope that works out...don't you hate it when you see a good thing, but you're not sure if the people involved see it, and you just hope they notice...if she cares about him at all she probably is processing what it will mean if he moves!

8/13/2005 8:44 PM  

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