
About Taking a Lower-Paying Job
Rumor has it that the special ed director in a neighboring community will be calling me about a paraprofessional job. I hope so. The district is similar to the one in which I raised my children, and it would be nice to find a home there.

When we lived in Ohio, I worked at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a Catholic school. One of the fifth grade teachers there resigned her teaching job and took much less pay to serve as parish secretary. Nobody else could really understand why she had done so, but I did. She told me that she liked having summers off when her kids were at home, but they were gone, and the full-time classroom was a lot of stress. She thought she would rather be dome with work when she left the job site and be free to spend time with her husband. Being parish secretary allowed her to do just that.

I know I could get a higher paying job than being an educational assistant, but there is hardly any other job that will allow me to take time off when my husband needs me, and I like to be available to do that. I would also like to spend time with him when he is home instead of grading papers, going to meetings and talking to parents (some of whom tend to scream back).

Money isn't everything.


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