
Mark 5:24-43, a Dead Girl and a Sick Woman
The lesson we had in Sunday School was really interesting. I thought about this story differently than I had thought about it before. I had always pictured the woman with the bleeding problem touching Jesus as He went by with the crowd and hoping that she would be healed and He would (maybe) not even notice. I don't think it ever dawned on her that He would stop and comment. Our teacher said that culture-wise, by touching the hem of Jesus's garment, she was placing herself under His protection.

There is another issue here that I never really considered, either. Verse 30 says that Jesus felt power go out from Him. Didn't He send it? Or is this one of the times when the separateness of the Trinity was revealed and He only felt the power as the Father released it in response to the woman's faith. Was the woman, by virtue of her faith and her touching Jesus's garment, placing herself in the "aura" of His healing power? Is there such a thing? I know it was her faith that healed her, but there must be something about being in the presence of God. Otherwise, why would Moses's face have shown after he came down from Mount Sanai?

Then we went on to the dead girl, and our teacher was wondering if the girl knew that she was dead, if she had been dead such a short time that she didn't know. I think that she knew, but I don't know how a twelve-year-old would process such an experience. And I think that she was in heaven; otherwise, how do you explain the verse, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord"?

I love it when our Bible study is this intense because I feel like I come away knowing an iota more about my home. Heaven. I can't learn any more than an iota at a time until I get there. I hope I can remember and apply what I learned today.


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