Frist's Folly - Christianity Today Magazine
Admittedly this is only one source, but it deserves some comment. Embryonic stem cell research hasn't yielded cures for twenty-four years. Adult stem cell research has.
Senator Frist took a lot of heat for standing up for Terri Schiavo. I suppose that could have caused him to re-evaluate his position on cloning. Nevertheless, his statements do have flaws. If he believes that life begins at conception, why is he condoning the killing of such life?
All of us change our minds about important things at times. All of us have backed down at some point or another when the heat is on. We all have to live with the consequences, both temporal and eternal.
So will Senator Frist.
Admittedly this is only one source, but it deserves some comment. Embryonic stem cell research hasn't yielded cures for twenty-four years. Adult stem cell research has.
Senator Frist took a lot of heat for standing up for Terri Schiavo. I suppose that could have caused him to re-evaluate his position on cloning. Nevertheless, his statements do have flaws. If he believes that life begins at conception, why is he condoning the killing of such life?
All of us change our minds about important things at times. All of us have backed down at some point or another when the heat is on. We all have to live with the consequences, both temporal and eternal.
So will Senator Frist.
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