
So. I surprised myself.

I called the pastor last night about the Board of Evangelism, and my intent was to tell him that I thought I was ill-suited. Not what happened.

In the course of our discussion, Pastor told me that he was the one who had called me to this particular board. Now I know that calls are supposed to go out to people because of their specific gifts, but I also know that actually they often go out to people the current board members think will serve.

The pastor said the reason he recommended me was because he knew I had a heart for missions. Really? I did not realize that he and I had had that many discussions. Once upon a time a long time ago, before I met my husband, I had planned to be a Wycliffe Bible Translator. I do not regret not being one; I think God had other and better plans for my life. I have had a feeling for missions since then, but with specific needs. Turns out that is how the Board of Evangelism at this particular church operates. They don't meet unless they have a need to meet, and they do things like keep the tract rack filled so that the members of our congregation have the materials they need to witness. They also have welcome packets for the community, complete with invitations to the church. The pastor did mention that people coming to our community has not been a big issue in the past five years or so, but still...it is a good idea.

I guess I don't think God has been particularly concerned with my personal comfort since we moved to Indiana. I, a certified SECONDARY English teacher, teach all grades special ed, one on one. My job dangles like a carrot yearly even though I get positive feedback about my performance. I have rheumatoid arthritis. And cataracts. And hearing loss. I am sort of afraid to go to the doctor lest I found out that something else broke. Obviously, there is a lesson here that I have NOT learned yet.

So. I jumped in. I don't know what God has in store for me here, but if I am not going to work, I will need something to keep me busy. And I serve a big God whose major concern does not seem to be making people comfortable. It seems to be making people happy.

He's done a good job so far. Guess I will have to trust him in this, too.


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