
Splinters--Stay with Me, I Do Have a Point
I have a splinter under the toenail of the big toe on my left foot. It has been there for quite a while, and I didn't even know it was a splinter. I thought it was sort of weird that I had bruised my toenail in a straight line, but it didn't hurt, so I wasn't going to mess with it.

My husband noticed the mark on my nail, and he dug around and found the splinter. I guess it is in there really deep, not just under the nail but under the callus, too. He felt compelled to dig at my toe to try to get the splinter out, and I let him dig for a while, but it hurt so I made him quit. I thought that the splinter would grow out with the toenail, but he says it is too deep, and he wants to dig again. I would prefer to leave it alone. The only time it hurts is when he is digging at it.

I wonder if sin is like that, especially sin that you haven't recognized yet. You might notice it, but it doesn't hurt either your body or your conscience, so you leave it alone. Then the Holy Spirit comes along and digs at it, but you are comfortable and would rather just be left alone. And maybe, just like it would probably be better for the splinter in my toe to be removed, it would be better for you go give up the sin even though there is some pain involved in the process.

It's just a thought. I hope I remember this next time the Holy Spirit reveals something to me.


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