
Losing My Keys
Did you ever wonder what God protects you from that you don't know about? I figure the things we do know about are only a fraction of the actual protection that we get.

That is why this morning, when I lost my keys, I tried not to get too upset. See, I hardly ever lose my keys. I think it has to do with having a husband who traveled and needing to be self-sufficient, but maybe I am just paranoid. I don't know. Anyway, I couldn't find them anywhere, and I was going to be late to work. So I prayed and there they were, on the table where I never leave them. Go figure.

I had been complaining to my husband about the dumb things traffic does right around the time I leave, and I wonder. Did God delay my leaving so that I wouldn't be in the middle of one of the dumb things?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always thought that God was protecting me many times when something irritatingly stupid happens.

4/08/2005 1:31 PM  

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