
On Self-Renovation and Daughters
I have had a lot of firsts the past few weeks. On Friday, June 10th, my right eye saw 20/20 for the first time probably ever. The next week, my left eye was only a little behind. There went the glasses that had been a part of my face for forty-four years! One of the first things I noticed, though, was that maybe a little cover-up (something I have never used, being a no make-up semi-hippie kind of person) would be in order. The blue under my eyes wasn't nearly as noticeable with my glasses.

The next thing I noticed was that pretty much everybody but me and one other much-older lady that I saw had nicely sculpted eyebrows. I had mine plucked, once, many moons ago, but I didn't think they looked too bad. Beside, behind the glasses they didn't really show, I didn't think, and I was waaaaaaaay too nearsighted to do anything about it anyway.

My daughter is visiting, and she knows that I have been noticing things about my face that I have never noticed before. On Sunday, we bought eye-shadow. This morning, she showed me how to put it on. She thinks I am going to use mascara too, but I don't know. You should have seen how my eyelids shook when I put on the shadow.

Then she decided that I should have my eyebrows waxed. She had to push me in the chair, and they are still red, but I think they look some better. They aren't any sorer than I remember the plucking being, and the whole process was a lot quicker.

Tomorrow, she bought me a manicure and a pedicure. We are going at 1:30. This is also something that I have never done before. I am thankful for her support. These are things that I would never have tried on my own, and although I realize most mothers teach their daughters about how such things work, that is just not the way it worked for us.

New bathroom accessories. New eyes. New eyebrows. Soon, I hope, a new job.

The second half of my life certainly is proving to be an adventure!


Blogger Suz said...

That is darling. I, too, help my mom with makeup and eyebrows, just as she used to help me.

6/28/2005 3:35 PM  

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